The First Space Race, ISBN#1585443743, 2004,214pgs
The First Space Race[Matt Bille and Erika Lishock, 2004] (softcover)
"[the authors] skillfully utilize more recent historical studies of early Soviet space activities to craft a balanced comparison and sense of interaction between Soviet and US initiatives. Their own original research and interviews address historical questions unresolved in existing accounts. . . brisk and engaging. . . solid and engaging. . . the authors' enjoyment of their subject shines through, allowing readers to enter readily into their story.". . . the authors do a good job of bringing together salient elements from a wealth of serious historical writing on the subject in the last decade. This represents the best narrative available synthesizing this story. The authors also make some key contributions that have not been explored before. This is especially true of their discussion of the Navy program known at Notsnik, an effort to build an orbital satellite in the 1950s that was even largely secret from the Navy."--Dr. Roger D. Launius, Chair, Space History, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution (Dr. Roger D. Launius, Chair, Space History, National Air and Space Museum, Smith )